What We Offer
Life skills training classes for survivors of sex trafficking. Classes focus on developing resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem, work readiness and mentoring.
Educational programs for men and boys which focus on topics such as: hyper-masculinity, gender, mindset, acceptable behaviors, and emotional sensitivity/fragility.
Train-the-trainer curriculum which allows for small group discussions for ministries, faith-based, and community-based organizations and businesses.
Educational videos to promote statewide/nationwide awareness and education on the subject of sex trafficking.
Resources for every day living for survivors of sex trafficking: clothing, food items, transportation, legal resources.
“I am not who I was. I am not even who I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be new again, and again, until I am completely the woman I was meant to be.”
― Harmony Dust
The latest numbers from the FBI show in 2017 Arizona was third in the nation for human trafficking offenses and had the highest number of arrests. Experts warn it is impacting people from all walks of life.

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
We Need Your Support Today!