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Community Resources

No organization or ministry has enough resources to tackle any major problem or issue by itself. As an Arizona community, we need each other to bring about lasting change. When combating sex traffickers, sexual predators, and those who would prey upon our children, it will take a collective effort to not only eliminate sex trafficking from our state but also to provide the needed services to assist in healing the wounds of those who've survived the immeasurable damage caused by this horrific imprisonment in sex slavery. Below are a few organizations providing wonderful services for survivors of sex trafficking:



The Phoenix Dream Center: The Phoenix Dream Center, a volunteer driven nonprofit organization, which exists to serve the homeless, low-income, at risk youth and struggling individuals and families by providing resources, opportunities and supportive services to help them realize their dream of living a self-sufficient life.



StreetlightUSA: StreetLightUSA is a national leader specializing in the care and healing of victims of child sex trafficking and sexual trauma. StreetLightUSA serves girls ages 11-17. Its mission is to Transition Adolescent Girls from Trauma to Triumph.



Project Always: Project ALWAYS provides no-cost legal services to support young people’s escape and recovery from homelessness, human trafficking, and abuse.  Project ALWAYS services range from training seminars to individual legal advice to full representation addressing a variety of barriers to success including family safety and stability, immigration status, and employability.



Blue Campaign: The Arizona Human Trafficking Council has adopted the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign as part of its statewide awareness efforts to inform Arizonans on the fight against human trafficking. Working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, the Blue Campaign strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring to justice those who exploit human lives.



Arizona Human Trafficking Council:



Angels Go To Work:



Sex Trafficking Help:

“I am not who I was. I am not even who I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be new again, and again, until I am completely the woman I was meant to be.” 
                                                                            ― Harmony Dust

The latest numbers from the FBI show in 2017 Arizona was third in the nation for human trafficking offenses and had the highest number of arrests. Experts warn it is impacting people from all walks of life.

Our Mission

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

We Need Your Support Today!

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